Tools I use for the grieving and healing process
Thanks to my training, I had numerous tools at my disposal. Through my own experience, I was able to learn how these tools can best be used in the case of a broken heart

I am a meditation teacher and will show you how to meditate, in order to reconnect with yourself and feel the benefits of mediation.
When we are stressed, it is extremely difficult to meditate, but we will incorporate it slowly, in your daily routine until it becomes a habit...
Conversations - Life Coaching
My life coaching sessions use communication aproaches from my Ontological and transpersonal coaching studies as well as from my Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)* background. I focus on active listening to show you a way forward. I provide a safe space for you to talk about your feelings, your emotions and your thoughts, and together do "baby steps" to reach peace and acceptance of the new reality and to start enjoying life again.
* NLP Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a way of changing someone's thoughts and behaviors to help achieve desired outcomes for them.

Body work and energy boosting
As a "Danza Primal" teacher (therapeutic dance) we will unblock old memories and ways of moving in life that maybe are not necessary for you anymore. Our body keeps a lot of information about ourselves and through sessions of Danza Primal we will unfold our true potential and awaken your true self.
I will make you connect with your 7 main chakras (energy centers situated along your spine up to the top of your head), unblock and clear them, so your energy will flow and you will feel a boost.

Conscious breathing
As a Yoga teacher trained in India, I have learned different breathing techniques like the Kapalabhati Pranayama that helps to energize and free your mind among other benefits.
We breath unconsciously most of the time, and if we start to use our breath with purpose we can manage to slow down, to connect with ourselfs and others. We will experience to breath life which will like a awakening.

Ericksonian Hypnosis
As an Ericksonian hypno-therapist, I truly believe that regualted sessions of hypnosis will improve the quality of your life. The approach is different from traditional hypnotherapy, as it uses indirect suggestion, metaphor and storytelling to alter behavior. I use also linguistic and sensory techniques to influence both conscious and subconscious thought processes.

Fitness - Exercice
With a short routine of small exercices every day, taylored just for you, you will improve your level of serotonin which is knowed as the hormone of well being, creating a sensation of relaxation, satisfaction, and increasing concentration and self-esteem.
My toolbox for you​

Coach Transpersonal, profesora de Danza Primal y Mesitacion Primordial, EPTI Argentina
Yoga Teacher, AyurYoga Eco Ashram, Mysore (India)
Fitness Instructor, Lausanne
Coaching Ontologico, Chile
Eriksonian Hipnosis , Lausanne
Master PNL, Lausanne
Coaching d’entreprises, IDC, Genève
Liderazgo estratégico, U Adolfo Ibanez, Chile
Studies in the Human Fields
* 2008-2009 - The Newfield Network, Ontologic Life Coach (Coaching that helps individuals gain deeper understanding of themselves, their believes and their values, empowering them to make positive changes in their lives).
* 2011 - Organizational Coaching - at IDC in Geneva - Switzerland
* 2012-2013 - Master practitioner in Neurolinguistic Programming, NLP
* 2012 - Practitioner as an Ericksonian Hypnosis therapist
* 2017-2020 - Escuela de Psicologia Transpersonal Integral – Certification as a Transpersonal Life Coach, Danza Primal Teacher (Therapeutical dance exploration through our 7 main chakras) and Meditation teacher.
* 2024 Training in the Enneagramm
My Certificates